Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dark SIde Illustration

New characters for the Promo ESPM blog, directed by the good ol' Brazilian Sith Lord, Vince Vader.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


No one would have believed in the last years that Diburros was being watched keenly and closely by so resentful intelligences. Occult forces, unsympathetic intellects regarded this blog with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against it. And last saturday came the great disillusionment.

Diburros.blogger.com.br, the original Diburros Blog is no longer avaiable for us.

SAP: É isso aí, galera, pelo visto o bom e velho Diburros foi fechado pelo Blogger Brasil. Até agora ninguém sabe como, onde ou porquê. Os melhores homens foram colocados no caso e mesmo assim não há muita esperança. Sem alternativas, estaremos atendendo agora nessa versão gringa até que novos fatos apareçam e as Forças Ocultas se desmascarem.

Thank you, Herbert!


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Something about E-ink

Illustration I did for the Coxa Creme's article about the Esquire's 75th anniversary collector's edition with E-ink cover.