Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama hopes for his Blackberry

Another illustration I did for Cava's blog. It seems that the Secret Service won't allow President Barack Obama to use his Blackberry. Presidents don't use email, phone, or any other kind of network, even today the famous desktop of the oval room has no computers. They seem to forget that the slogan of the man was just the opposite:

Words of Cavallini.

In Time: Mr. Shepard Fairey, I'm sorry.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Birdman

Jonas W. Birdman, distant relative of Chuck Lizardtown, and an caricature attempt of the very young 3D artist Rafael Grassetti. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


"The story of the biker with no name, looking for adventure, looking for love..."

São Carlos Bike Riding 2009 from Marcelo Braga on Vimeo.

I did this pretentious short movie in the beginning of the year when there were no deadlines, emails and pollution, but a new world waiting to be explored on two wheels.

* Youtube version, with traditional poor quality, but much faster to load.


He's one of the world's most beloved Superhero, key character in the C-MINUS story.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Victor Frankenstein's boy

"Did I request thee, Maker from my clay
To mould Me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?"

John Milton ( *1608 +1674 )

Super Ham & Cheese!

Courtesy of "Fortress of Solitude Delivery"!

Another Superman

A little creepy, but you don't choose your family, your friends or your sketches, right?