SMURFS WARS - Full Story
(*pra ler esse post em Português, clique aqui)

The story starts after the Smurfs invasion of Gargamel's Castle. They finally captured and killed him, as well as his cat Azrael. As a trophy, the cat's preserved body was put at the center of the village's main square, as a reminder of Dark Times forever gone, or so they thought...

There was a period of peace and prosperity, everything went well until a disease took over the weakened body of Papa Smurf. Shortly before he died, Papa asked Hefty, the strongest Smurf, to take care of his children in the hopes that they never suffer from the lack of anything in his absence. Hefty, now living with Smurfette, his fiance, accepted this responsibility and, even with very little experience, lead his people with great wisdom. What he didn't know was that envy was always growing in the heart of Brainy Smurf. He, with his thick glasses, and enormous intelligence was the new leader's adviser and suffered deeply by the unrequited love of the only girl in the tribe: Smurfette. Also, he felt that he should be the new leader. After all he was the smartest Smurf and second-in-command behind Papa Smurf.

Jealous and envious, Brainy breaks away from Hefty and starts to preach a new ideal for his brothers: a Democracy! Educated and persuasive, he convince nearly half of the village with his revolutionary ideas. The Smurfs are now divided into two groups: those who support the Hefty centralized regime, and those who defend the democratic ideals of Brainy. Gradually, that which was only a debate heated on ideologies becomes a serious conflict. With tensions running high, a Civil War is declared and Brainy and his followers are expelled from the village and forced to live in the forest. Exiled, humiliated and angry, Brainy plots his revenge against Hefty. Knowing that Hefty and Smurfette had never had sex because they are not married, he orders a surprise attack at the village under a cold and rainy night.

Silently sneaking into town from the other side, Brainy enters Smurfette's tent, but she doesn't recognize him. Without his glasses and with a fake heart tattoo in his arm, he looks exactly like Hefty. Smurfette realizes something is wrong since the battle is raging outside of the tent, but her lover simply stands there, starring at her. Everything happens very fast, and she doesn't understand why he attacks and rapes her so fiercely and violently. Had the war turned Hefty into a monster? It wasn't suppose to be like this. She wants to explode, to cry, to die. Her screams aren't heard by anyone during the battle. After Brainy's silent escape, Hefty returns wounded and tired, says nothing and falls to bed completely oblivious to the pain on Smurfette's face.
Without a word about that horrible night, Hefty goes. And Smurfette, thinking that her lover has gone crazy or worse, thinking she's been shown a side of his soul that she wouldn't dare imagine, flees from the village requesting asylum from her former brother and enemy: Brainy. Assuming the role of protector he receives her with great affection and respect, making her all the necessary arrangements to stay close to him.

Everything goes as planned by Brainy. With his beloved by his side and his army's reinvigorated moral by successive victories over the village, the war's end seems closer every day.
Hefty, now an experienced warrior, feels also ashamed and confused for not keeping the promise made to Papa Smurf. With his heart flooded by hate and moved only by revenge he leads his men to the bloodiest battle of the Smurf's history. He could never forgive those who betrayed him. Not his brother and not even Smurfette, who was to become his wife ... Fear, despair, suffering and blood on his Smurf's hands was definitely not what Papa Smurf hoped for his children ...
Now I just have to get rich, buy the Copyrights and spend a year or two drawing the book.
Thanks to Stephen Lindsay, for the big help with the text!
This is a Homage. Smurfs® and all related characters are © Peyo - © IMPS - All rights reserved. Mention of these characters in this document is without permission of © Peyo - © IMPS, but said use is not intended to challenge the owner's trademark rights or copyrights. People who want to learn more about Smurfs® are encouraged to watch the cartoon and visit the official site.
1 – 200 of 372 Newer› Newest»Kick ass illustrations! Love it!
Amazing artworks and blog!!!
If you don't mind, I link you up on my blog!
I really dig that third smurf image, and all your excellent sketches, especially the little stone demons far below!
(ps: and to answer to your question, yes, the last piece on my blog is 100% digital)
Thanks for coming on my blog. What you said about my work was really nice. I'm really impressed by your drawings and the way you ink them! I link you up on my blog too ! Thank you again
Oh god,I LOVE Smurf war! Wonderful! It'a a very big idea!
Oh god,I LOVE Smurf war! Wonderful! It'a a very big idea!
GAH!!! I LOVE IT!!! What a Fantastic Idea Marcelo... You've got One More Person that'll Buy a Copy of It, when You get to it...
And these Illustrations are Magnificent...
Antonio Maldonado
Thanks man I am glade you like my work. You have some great stuff too, that Hellboy watercolor is awesome! Having him laughing is definitely a rarity. keep up the excellent work.
Great blog ! full of cool and crazy illos ; love your Marv and egghead Wolverine , but NOTHING beats the SMURFS WARS !
Best Regards
I agree with what claudio cerri said, " It'a a very big idea!" ...and before I get into it. I want to give a shout out to my boy Tmalo, who also left a pleasant comment on this blog , and lead me to this awesome site. Where a journey will take place.
NOWI Here's what I think.
I started to read the Smurf War blog, and as I got half way through the first part of the story. I looked to my left from where I'm sitting in my studio room and saw my smurf figurines...and mushroom houses and thought this is, WRONG!!
with Gargamel and AZERAL!
But!!! I was HOOKED! by the end. MY Beloved Smurfs, Their very fabric of existence is now torn.
Although, I wouldn't believe that this would actually happen in their world, with magic anyway. This is very interesting charters we explore.
I'm a real world news junky. And this is the perfect time to probe an Idea such as this.
DUDE!! I LOVE THE SMURFS! AND I LOVE YOUR IDEA! I'm really feeling this story. Which is why I hope you really tell an epic adventure. I think the illos are amazing!
I'm not sure how far you really thought this out. But I get where your coning from. I'm going to drop a gem or two about what i think, and if you feel like I'm connecting with what your thinking. Then I would happy to toss ideas your way with no strings attached.
Here comes the gems, I think Brainy gets in kahoots with, and I don't know if I'm spelling her name right, Brainy should contact Klorhydra.
Smurfette is undecided and has left to be on her own, lost to Brainy and Heafty.
and Gargamel? let just say he has a book out there somewhere that has a receipt on how to make smurfettes.
Dude! I LOVE IT! Thanks for provoking the Idea!
Love the illustrations, drawings, sketches, etc. Great site!
Just one word... AMAZING!!!!
I really like your drawings. You have a gReAt style!
I will add you to my links!
See you! saludos desde Argentina :D
This is about the coolest post I've ever seen on a blog! LOL! Very, very well done! I love it!
Thanks for the visit.
I really like the idea of the receipt on how to make Smurfettes! Maybe he might have used it for at least one time before...
Hi, thanks for the comment :-)
you've got some pretty neet posts too - the smurf wars are cool!
thank you for the visit ! and althought very beautiful artwoks ! i'll be back
Hah ha! I love it!! I won't be able to get this out of my head tomorrow.
Eo gosto moito dos teos dibujos, vose te un estilo muito personal. Congratulationns y muito AXE!!
THIS MUST BECOME REAL!!!!! it's too genial to reamain only a post! please do something! please!
you rock!
if i find the time i sure did a pin up because the project was too much sick and interesting.
i'll link you too!
p.s. i just seen the laughing hellboy! wow, great attitude and strong drawing!!!
THANKS BRO!! I'm glad you responded. I so love this idea, I'm such a smurf freak, thanks again.
Dude, I need to see what Papa would look like.
Specifically what he would look like as he looking down at what's happening to his little smurfs.
And if it looks kickass, with your permission
I'd like to get a tattoo of it on me. I'll send out pics.
I don't have any tattoos, I've been wanting to get one.
I designed a tattoo for my lady and I've been hyped ever since to get one. When she shows it off and the people find out that I designed they expect some sort of tattoo on me. And they almost seem weirded out when I say that I don't have any tatts. Then I tell them that I'm really thinking about getting a Papa Smurf,they're like, WHAT? But I don't give a shit, smurfs are a highly sensitive subject. They just don't get it!
I love Peyo, and what he has done for me through the Smurfs. But even I at young 36 and Rican. I wouldn't get a tatt of Papa Smurf in his style as my first tattoo. But I would in your style.
But dude! Weather I got a Tattoo of it or not I'd like to see your treatment of Papa. In fact, The Village demands it! HAHA Just kidding!
Peace!, I'm out!!
Wow! The story, the art, all very powerful. Really great work. The character designs are really inspiring. haha man, I couldnt stop reading that! Hurry and get rich so I can buy the book!
Brilliant! Fantastic idea, good for you.
Awsome just fricken awsome.I have loved the smurfs and the innocent lifestyle they have.At the same time I knew that one day someone would take smurfology to the next level.Dont get me wrong the innocent life they led was great but it was lacking something.Then you came along and gave it what it needed sex,anger,jelousy,betrayel,and hatred.Fine work, when its published I will defenitly by a copy.
This story is so great, I love the idea... I would buy the book too or even watch the movie ;P
Great work !
The plot, the illustrations are really fantastic !
This is a great idea. A pity you had to go and rape Smurfette for depth of emotion. Surely Brainy could acheive his ends another way? If he is trying to introduce a democracy and Hefty is the Crown i would posit that you seek another way to bring about this plot point.
The concept is great, the tone of the images is great. It's just so cliched and offputting that the fate of the woman lies at the hands of men and she is simply a prize to be one. I always saw Smurfette as being more in control of her destiny than this.
As i said. Love it and would by it in comic form but would probably throw it against the wall in disgust when the rape scene happened. It's a too easy cop out for too many writers trying to inject a sense of gravity into their work, to raise the stakes by "soiling the pure".
My two cents.
Sounds like an interesting premise. When I first read the title of this entry, I'd thought it was a continuation of the UN anti-bombing commercials they ran a few years ago, but I think Smurfs in hand-to-hand action sounds a lot more appealing.
Muito bom!!!!!!!
O desenho, a história!!!
Deu vontade de ler!!!!
Sucesso amigo!
Que possamos te ler muito em breve!
Parabens Marcelo, ficou muito boa a sua homenagem aos Smurfs!!
E os quadros ficaram espetaculares
Aquelas as arvores pegando fogo no reflexo do óculos ficaram qualquer coisa...
Marcelo, meu brother, como são as coisas...
Ontem mesmo , eu e mais uns camaradas, estávamos justamente falando sobre os Smurfs, sobre conceitos bizarros que poderiam ser dados à trama, típica besteirada de mesa de bar!
E não que hoje eu me deparo com..ISTO AQUI NO TEU BLOG???
Cara, por favor, dê continuidade a isso!!!! Não deixa esse projeto morrer, não!! Te vira!!!
Eu achei ridículo... simplesmente acaba com a história de Smurfs... Se você quer fazer algo do tipo, escolha fazer um filme, mas Smurfs!?
In english:
I think that it is ridiculous... That simply over with the history of Smurfs... If you want to do something like that, choose to do a film, but do not choose Smurfs!
Concordo, sem Papai Smurf não rola..
is there any way to purchase this as a print? i am building a coffee shop with alot of unique art prints as part of the decor and i think this would be great.
Perfecto, todo el blog!!!
Thats really good, bit different from the cute and cuddely side. I like it and I am quite gutted that it's not finished cos it would be on my christmas list right now.
Can't wait for it now.
oh mais um brasileiro aqui! ... Marcelo arraso ... dificilmente u vou ver ilustrações como essas ao vivo... e cara isso saiu a 8 anos?! ... noss eu nun ia aguenta segura tanto ...mas que foi uma blea homenagem aos 50 anos dos pequenos azuis ...isso foi .... foi mais pra parabeniza mesmo q eu passei ...como eu quero ser diretor de cinema ...ver um brasileiro se destacar mundialmente eh inspirador pra mim =D .... vlw mesmoo ....abração e representa nosso pais aeww !!!
Hi there... My friend sent me a link to your blog and I am so amazed with your work.. They are really good. Cheers =)
are the movie poster for sale??
Mano, por favor, de continuidade a este trabalho.
Magnificos os desenhos.
Your work is amazing !
In France, the smurfs' books ("les schtroumpfs") are a reference for lot of people of my generation !
Yesterday I posted on my blog an hommage to them, and one of my readers gave me your URL.
I'm glad he did, it's really a pleasure to discover that !
(My version was a Romero-like, from the episode "les schtroumpfs noirs", you can see the post on my blog, date 30/03, and the "fan-art" is there:
Fantastic work ! Insane Posters !
... and "lovely" script ^.^
Let the Smurfs Wars begin !
Oh my god i'd just noticed the credits lines on each poster!
Where the hell is this "Dr Who & the Daleks" directed by Tim Burton come from ?
An other fantasy you want to come true ?
Love it !
this is great!
Your work is amazing.
Do you Know "presque des Hommes"? It is a French short film with the smurf you drew in first.
I think I'll see the whole blog
smurf rape? are you out of your mind? this is never going to happen. why don't you show some real imagination, and make up your own characters?
Now that's just wierd!
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Hi Marcelo,
Firstly, kudos. Personally, I'm a fan of resurrecting some of the old cartoons and giving them a touch a noire and grit. I've written a couple short stories based on Scooby-Doo for a creative writing course I took some time back, but I always felt a graphic novel would be the best approach for something like this. ( ideally, I'd love to produce a TV-show based on it, but one step at a time. :o) )
Any way for me to contact you and run a couple ideas past you? If you're interested, I'd also like to hire your talent for a couple Scooby-Doo mock-ups.
dark. it is dark man!! but i loike it haha
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GGreat series..!! I like the innovative ideas behind the sketches and the story as well.. I would love to read the book entirely. The Hefty's character is so pure and maverick as well.
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